Sunday 31 August 2014

College Degrees Online - No Longer a Joke

Acquiring college degrees online is no longer a joke. It is a legitimate way of getting a diploma and an educational degree through institutions that offer teaching through the Internet. There are many advantages of registering for an online course, especially for those who literally do not have the time to go through traditional schools. Adult professionals who may already have a bachelor degree sometimes pursue further advanced education by distance education or online studies. Sometimes, they may even take other college degrees online. The best thing about online studies is the flexibility in time - as a student, you get to do your own scheduling of courses. You get to study at your own pace. It requires a good deal of discipline, however, to make smart time management choices with the goal of finishing the degree the soonest possible time. Online resources are available day in and day out; plus the Internet itself is an unlimited source of information and there will be no need for the usual competing for library books that a traditional student usually has to suffer. Online chat rooms and forum discussions about courses and study groups also come in handy, so there is no worry of being left out and you still have a way of measuring your progress in comparison with others. In a traditional classroom, students need to focus on the lectures and contribute ideas in real time. This may be a problem with students who need to process their thoughts for a time and also for those who are too shy to actually raise their hand and participate in classroom discussions. Others may be terrified of being called on by teachers when they are not ready to share their thoughts. In online studies, students get the confidence of asking questions to instructors and fellow students without the fear of stammering or being under the spotlight. Online studies do not mean zero interaction with other students. Of course, going to school still offers a better social environment but online universities also have chat rooms and discussion forums where academic and nonacademic subjects are being dealt with. E-mail lists and threaded discussions may be available, as well as a live chat component for real-time discussions with students and teachers. College degrees online, as long as they are provided by an accredited university, are not being considered differently from degrees acquired by going through the usual school process. Employers welcome applicants with an online college degree and even encourage their employees to pursue further education through online learning. The availability of this option benefits both employer and employee because advanced degrees mean more credibility for both employer and employee and a form of a skills upgrade for the student. Some members of the workforce who may be in a line of work significantly different from their college education may also make the choice of acquiring another degree, this time more related to their field of work, especially if they intend to stay in that field for a long time.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Recession and Online Education

During times of economic recession when employment opportunities are minimal and layoffs are abundant, adults naturally seek opportunities to make themselves vedic maths more marketable to employers. Whether individuals need to acquire new skills to enter an entirely different career field, or they simply want to fine tune skills that they already possess to keep their existing jobs, education is often the solution. However, unemployed or working adults with families and busy lives may have difficulties fitting college courses into their hectic schedules. Recession May Drive More Adults Students to Take Online Classes by Steve Kolowich is an article that discusses the reasons many adult students will choose online learning in the current economy. In this article, I will summarize Kolowich's article. I will also provide an analysis of what I think has created this enrollment trend: cost, convenience, and completion. Article Summary Adults often choose times of economic hardship to go to school. Currently, more adults are selecting two-year colleges and private for-profit colleges than traditional four-year universities for their educational needs. Many of these students will take online courses. The 2008 Sloan Survey of Online Learning anticipated that all types of colleges would experience increases in enrollments, but non-traditional schools could see the greatest jumps in enrollments. Elaine Allen, one of the report's authors, attributes this to the fact that non-traditional schools offer online classes. Online classes offer many conveniences that traditional college courses do not. Students can take online classes at times that work for them. They do not have to leave their homes to go to school. They are still able to care for the needs of their families. Individuals can save on gas by not having to drive to campuses. Online enrollment has been steadily increasing since 2003. More than a fifth of all students enrolled in higher education were taking at least one online course in 2007. Over half of the colleges surveyed in 2007 thought that it was critical to offer online courses to students. In addition, 70% of the colleges noticed an increase of student interest in online learning. Students are beginning to choose colleges specifically for their online programs. Cost Because of the recession, jobs are scarce. Tough economic times put "more people in the pipeline, looking, and hoping for opportunities" (Stevenson, 2008). Taking classes or earning a degree gives individuals an edge over the competition in the job market. "The majority of continuing education students today are most concerned with first getting into the academic pipeline" (Stevenson, 2008). Adults enroll in programs that offer classes to complete degrees they did not finish in the past. "A lot of people want to increase their skill levels or get that degree they didn't have. The threat of losing their jobs can be as big a motivator as the actuality" (Kolowich, 2009). The cost of losing a job or not obtaining a new job is greater than the cost of education. In addition, non-traditional colleges offering online courses often cost about the same of even less than traditional universities. Unemployment benefits often pay educational costs during the first year of unemployment. Unemployed individuals can use these benefits to take classes. Some companies give educational benefits to employees that they had to layoff. Former employees can use these benefits to learn new skills. Individuals are able to enroll in classes without worrying about how to pay for them. Convenience Many adults who would like to go to traditional universities to earn degrees are unable due to busy schedules. They have to work or search for new jobs. They have children to care for and households to run. "They may prefer to go into the classroom but they need to work or stay at home and they don't have the time. An online education may be their only chance to get a degree" (Johnson, 2006). Online courses offer much more flexibility than traditional classroom classes. Students can participate on days that are convenient for them. If they have to do their schoolwork early in the morning before going to work or late at night after the children are asleep, they can. Online courses still have participation requirements and assignments with due dates, but if students know that they will be busy on days assignments are due, they can simply do these ahead of time. Many online programs allow students to take only one or two courses at a time to be "full-time." This allows busy adults to focus on a minimal amount of subjects. Their other responsibilities would make it difficult to take four to five classes at one time as is necessary to be full-time at traditional universities. Students do not have to leave their homes or jobs to attend online classes. They can participate in class from anywhere that has a computer with internet access. Time is not wasted driving to campuses, finding parking, and walking to classes. Parents do not have to worry about finding childcare for their children during class times. Students do not have to rush from work to school to home feeling as if they are constantly on the go. Online classes offer conveniences like these that traditional courses cannot. Completion According to Stevenson (2008), "today's non-traditional student is interested in one thing: completion, completion, completion." Adult students want to earn or complete their degrees as quickly as possible. "Students earning a bachelor's degree from University of Phoenix take one class at a time for five weeks per course" (Johnson, 2006). This means that students can complete up to 10 - three credit courses in a year or 30 semester credits. Accelerated online degree programs like this are a big attraction to individuals who desire to complete degrees quickly. Conclusion Because of our country's current economic recession, more often adults are enrolling in degree programs. Some hope to find new jobs, while others aspire to keep the jobs they have. Education is an effective way increase employment opportunities. Many of these individuals choose to attend non-traditional colleges. Non-traditional schools offer several advantages to benefit the busy adult. These advantages include cost, convenience, and completion. Non-traditional institutions "tend to offer programs that have traditionally been tailored to serve working adults" (Kolowich, 2009). Online courses offered by many of these schools are the ideal educational alternative for busy adults. References Johnson, F. (2003, August 21). Online Education Helps Fight Enrollment Dip. Enterprise/Salt Lake City, 36(7), 9. Retrieved August 1, 2009, from Regional Business News database. Kolowich, S. (2009, January 16). Recession May Drive More Adult Students to Take Online Classes. Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(19), A11-A11. Retrieved August 1, 2009, from Academic Search Complete database. Stevenson, J. (2008, September 15). Streamline the Pipeline. Business West, 25(9), 38. Retrieved August, 1, 2009, from Regional Business News database.

Friday 15 August 2014

Algebra 2 Help to Score Great Grades

Algebra 2 is probably one course that students would gladly skip. The numbers, variables and formulas can drive anyone up the wall. However, algebra 2 is an important course since it lays the groundwork for more advanced topics like calculus. Having a good knowledge of algebra will work out in your favor, when you get into college. Apart from the science and math courses for which algebra is a prerequisite, other courses in arts and humanities often require students to know high school math well. Studying algebra 2 can be made simple and interesting by following a few simple steps. Assuming that it is a tough subject, students tend to ignore algebra till just before the exams, at which point it actually is too tough to learn an entire year's syllabus in a few nights. The most important change that students need to make is it see algebra in a more positive light. With time and effort anything is possible so bring yourself to see it as a challenge that will only enrich your education. Learning Algebra 2 Effectively - Tips to Get Started Before you embark on algebra 2, make sure that you remember everything from algebra 1 and pre-algebra. If you deleted all that information as soon as you were done with the finals, then you need to go back and look it up again. Try taking a refresher course before the semester starts, or you can spend the first couple of weeks simultaneously absorbing the new material and looking up the old. Some instructors will do this for you by spending the first few classes reviewing algebra concepts. They are unfortunately few in number so be prepared to work on your own. Ask any former students of algebra and they will tell you that the most useful thing you can do is to practice everyday. Sure it's no fun but if you're serious about wanting to learn algebra, this is the best way to achieve it. Make your practice sessions more interesting by setting goals to motivate yourself to learn everyday. Start with the simpler problems and gradually move on to the more difficult ones. For students who find algebra too difficult to study by themselves, there are plenty of options to find algebra 2 solvers who can explain the nitty-gritty of the subject in a way they understand. Tutoring centers and after school tutoring programs have group sessions while private tutors and online math tutors offer one on one help. Decide which one suits your needs and begin early so that you get the most out of the sessions.

Thursday 14 August 2014

What You Should Know Before Getting an Online Degree

If you are like most adults who never finished college or wish to change jobs, you may be thinking about getting a degree online. Today, online education is the norm as traditional schools offer more and more programs online as proprietary schools have done for nearly a decade. When thinking about degree completion or online learning, there are a number of factors you should consider. First and foremost, you should begin with a clear understanding of what you wish to accomplish. Most individuals attend online learning programs to acquire the skills necessary for work in a particular {field|industry}. Give considerable thought to the type of education you will need to get a job upon graduation. One way to do this is to start calling and speaking with counselors at both traditional universities and online schools. They can give you a good idea about what their programs will do for you as well as provide you with a sense of how many graduates are immediately placed in jobs. With an ailing economy, job placement may be a challenge. Think about the {industries|sectors} that are doing well even in trying times. Medicine, pharmaceuticals, and other areas will continue to thrive as baby boomers age and the government continues to fund new programs. Once you have decided on the type of online program that will work best for you, consider your ability to complete such a program. Are you disciplined enough to meet all of the requirements without attending a physical classroom? Are you organized enough to meet deadlines and submit required work? Are you comfortable enough with a computer to engage in online chats, respond to emails, and complete necessary assignments online? After you have reviewed the requirements associated with completing specific classes, take a look at the overall package. How many credits do you need to get your certificate or degree? What are the costs involved both short and long term in order to complete your degree? What is the average salary for someone in the field you are targeting? In short, will your investment pay dividends? There are many ways to fund your online education. With the help of government programs, schools aid, and private loans, the options are many. Work with your school counselors to determine the most economical way to pay for your online education. Accredited schools and colleges have access to government funding programs that charge a low rate and make school affordable. Once you graduate, you will have many options for paying off your financial obligations. The key is to make sure you find a job quickly and this will only happen if you have planned accordingly. Individuals who graduate with a degree that is in demand get place more quickly than those with less desirable degrees. Upon graduation, consider your options to consolidate outstanding loans. Even though you may have to take a number of loans from different sources to pay for your online education, loan consolidation can simplify the repayment process and lower your monthly payment. Before you begin your online school or program, inquire about repayment options associated with each funding source. Lastly, be sure to ask if student loan consolidation is possible given multiple financial providers. Completing your degree online is a great option in our current economic climate. Before you jump right in without any preparation, consider whether or not an online education is right for you and how you are going to pay for it.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Online College Degrees For Better Jobs

Today's world has become so competitive that a college degree is a must to get a job with a decent salary. The online college degrees fit in perfectly in this scheme as they have the flexibility along with other benefits over the traditional colleges. Online college degrees have come a long way from the days of the correspondence colleges and most of the courses and degrees offered by the online colleges are all accredited. The popularity of online education can be seen in the number of students opting for higher education through the internet. There are number of advantages of the online college degrees making them so popular. The online degrees generally cost less and are very convenient for those who are working, or full time mums or even those who cannot pursue the traditional college degrees. You will see a variety of students in the online courses- these have opened new horizons for those with special needs as well as they can complete the course in the convenience of their home, without having to commute. There are however more advantages of online college degrees that cannot be ignored, and the most important being flexibility over the traditional colleges. You can study at your own pace and time and need not bother about keeping pace with the other students. You can also carry on with your job and normal life and still complete the course through online education. Another advantage of online college degrees are that they are as good as the regular ones as the courses and the degrees are all accredited and will be accepted and recognized by all. Moreover with the online degrees gaining popularity, efforts are made to make it more appealing and now there are financial aids, scholarships and grants being offered to attract more students. The online college degrees are especially good for the working professionals who are in to a full time job- they can complete the course without disturbing any of their commitment paving their way for promotions. The mode of communication employed in these online degree colleges is through the internet- mainly email and downloads. Some colleges also encourage chat groups, discussions, student's forum and other ways to encourage communication amongst the students and instructors. The popular subject choices for the online degree colleges are management, nursing, accounting, business studies, para-legal studies, criminal justice, health care and information technology. Studying these subjects open up new fields enabling you to pursue your dreams.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Computer Repair - Online Career Preparation Options

When looking to pursue a career in computer repair you can gain an accredited online education through various schools and colleges. Training will help you to receive the skills necessary for a successful career in this exciting industry. You can prepare for the career of your dreams by choosing a specialized area of study and the level of education you wish to receive. Online training programs give you the opportunity to pursue a variety of careers at a number of educational levels. You can start by learning more about training options in this field. Online career preparation allows you to obtain a variety of certificates and degrees. Training can be completed at the certificate, associate, and bachelor degree levels. You can receive the accredited online education you desire by enrolling in the program that fits your individual needs and career goals. Training at these levels will vary in length but can range from six months to four years. You should make sure that the level of educational training you choose is right for you prior to enrollment. Gaining an accredited online education at any of these levels will help you to seek the career you desire. There are numerous career options available to you when you choose to gain an online education in computer repair. You can seek the career that fits your individual interests in a variety of specialized areas. Possible careers can include working as a: Computer Support Specialist Systems Administrator Customer Support Agent Database Manager Computer Repair Technician and many other related professions. Training for any of these careers will allow you to seek the employment you desire. With accredited online computer training you can enter the workforce prepared for a successful career. With an accredited online program you will have the chance to study subjects that relate to the career you wish to pursue. Possible coursework may consist of learning network maintenance, operating systems, computer peripherals, networking, software applications, process optimization, hardware maintenance, and many other topics. By gaining knowledge and skills in these areas you will be able to carry out a number of tasks related to the career you choose. Coursework may cover specific subjects that relate to the career you choose to pursue as well as more broad studies that can be used in a variety of professions. Accredited schools and colleges that offer students the opportunity to obtain an online education in computer repair can provide the best education possible. When looking to pursue a career in this field you should gain an education that is fully accredited in order to endure that you will receive the best quality education available. Agencies like the Distance Education and Training Council ( ) are approved to fully accredit qualifying educational training programs. You can research various programs to find the one that offers you the education you desire, request more information regarding online computer repair career training and enroll today. DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

Monday 11 August 2014

Don't Tell Me You Flunked Your Chemistry Quiz, AGAIN!

So your kid flunked his chemistry pop quiz again despite you repeatedly telling him to pay more attention in class. Instead of taking your anger out on him why don't you try thinking of the reason behind it? It might very well be that your poor kid is sweating hard to pass the subject but is having difficulty because he finds high school chemistry too tough. Watching no TV for a whole week won't help him but his grades certainly might see an improvement if you get him online chemistry tutoring! Over the past few years, there has been a rise in online tutoring. Online tutoring has hit it among high school students by providing quality teaching and bringing them the value from experts across the world. Even private tutoring can not boast of such highly interactive, quality tutoring sessions. An online chemistry tutor has the best educational resources available. It is acquainted with new teaching techniques and a vast teaching experience backs the tutor, making it easier to tailor tutoring sessions according to each student's needs. Your kid will have access to a qualified chemistry in these one-on-one tutoring sessions. The tutors have mostly at least a University degree in subjects they are teaching. Certain online sessions even allow a student to pick up their chemistry Teacher by going through their profile and taking free trials. So your kid won't give you the 'I don't like the teacher' excuse anymore! Free trials can be availed a number of times but there is a limit to which your kid can take them in a certain period of time. For picking a chemistry tutor, you will have information available such as hourly fee, and feedback from students and parents. Online chemistry tutoring is available 24 hours of the day and all 7 days. Unlike private tutoring where your kid might have missed a session or two because of any reason, online chemistry tutoring provides your kid the comfort of getting his chemistry problems solved anytime. These online sessions provide many tutoring options from bulletin boards to threaded discussions and guest lectures to interactive videos. Your child gets it all to make chemistry a fun subject. And nothing high-tech is required on your part for online chemistry tutoring. You only need an internet connection, computer speakers and a microphone for online chemistry sessions. Don't wait for your kid to bring home another D in Chemistry! Get online chemistry tutoring because that is where chemistry becomes easier!

Sunday 10 August 2014

How to Find the Best Accredited Online Bachelors Degree

Thousands of students around the world choose accredited online bachelors degrees over a traditional college or university. The reason is that when studying via the internet, you have the ability to study at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home and still work, if you prefer. So many students choose this option as it enables them to work and then study in their spare time, still enjoying the benefit of furthering their education. One of the most important considerations when making this type of decision is to ensure the course you choose is accredited. This is exceptionally important. Colleges and universities that offer this type of course ensure they meet educational standards, which means any course you choose will be widely accepted. When choosing to study via the internet, you need to ensure the course you choose will work with your long term goals. Many people have a goal in mind of what they want to be in the future, whether it's a lawyer, doctor or even an accountant. Some of the students are already working in their desired industry and need to achieve an accredited online bachelors degree in order to further their careers. It's essential that you take the time to research the college and faculty before making any decisions. First and foremost you want peace of mind that they are accredited. Then get to know the subjects on offer, how they work their internet study programs and anything else you want to know. Never go for the first college you find, do some research on a number of colleges before making a final decision. Ensure that the college offering accredited online bachelors degrees offers you the ability to discuss your requirements with an advisor before you make a decision. This way you can get all your questions answered, enabling you to make the best decision based on your requirements. Always find out that if you choose a specific accredited online bachelors degree, there will be a tutor or advisor available should you need assistance at any stage throughout the study program. Most colleges will offer you your own tutor, who will be available either via email or the phone. This ensures if you get stuck or are struggling with any portion of the work, you can get the help you need. Once you've spoken to a guidance professional and they have recommended an accredited online bachelors degree based on your subject interests, don't let them force you into starting right away. This is the benefit of studying via the internet; you can enroll when you are ready. If you have a large work deadline looming in the coming weeks, hold off until you know you will have time available to complete the class work. It's always advisable to ensure that any accredited online bachelors degree you choose is online only. In some cases colleges may give you the ability to study via the internet, but you are required to attend college for examinations. In other cases the college may require you attend some classes on-site and the balance via the internet. Either way, it's always important to double check your upcoming schedule. Put a plan in place to ensure you are able to put some study time into your daily schedule, so you don't fall too far behind. Studying via the internet does require some dedication. You will be required to complete projects and examinations, the same as you would if you were attending college and you cannot be late. Always meet your deadlines with time to spare.

Saturday 9 August 2014

5 Tips for Building a Personal Brand After Earning an Online Accounting Degree

Whether you are considering enrolling in an accounting program online or about to graduate it's never too early to start thinking about creating your personal brand. Creating a personal website or developing an elevator speech may seem like strategies for those in creative industries, but the ability to showcase strengths is a critical skill for all professionals, including those studying accounting online. If you want to build a strong career, consider these tips. Add Up Your Strengths: All accountants like numbers, but there's probably something even more specific you enjoyed about your online accounting classes. Do you love assisting in the budgeting process? Get so excited about tax law that April 15 feels like a holiday? Can't get enough of watching the stock market ebb and flow? Well, those are small traits that make you stand out from a crowd. A successful job search depends on you assessing your strong points and being able to explain them. If I asked you right now, "So, what do you do?" would you have an interesting, 30-second response? If not, read on. Prepare your Quick Pitch: We've all been there. A potential boss, new client or professional acquaintance asks you what you do. And, they aren't talking about your knitting hobby! This is the time to have an elevator pitch ready; a short blurb that you can memorize and say on demand. It should be about five sentences long. This is your chance to tell your story, like how you started in your online accounting training and what drew you to the field. Weave in key facts like your current employer and your future career dreams for a perfect pitch. Beef Up your LinkedIn Profile: The key ingredient to making a perfect LinkedIn profile is lots of information. LinkedIn is like Facebook for professionals. This is a way for you to share your elevator pitch in an online format, while connecting with people you know, and people you hope to meet. You should detail your current job and what you do, your work history and where you went to school. Don't miss out on the chance to include your personal interests, areas of expertise and ask former and current coworkers for recommendations. Your LinkedIn profile can talk you up before you ever meet a potential employer. Go Back Online: Thanks to your online classes for accounting, you're probably comfortable on the world wide web. Use that to your advantage! While LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can introduce you briefly to potential employers or clients, a website can extend the conversation. It could be as simple as a blog where you share insight into the world of accounting. The Internet enables you to form a community around a particular interest. Online forums are an easy way to make connections and build up your expertise. It could even be a site where you advertise your services - giving you an opportunity to do taxes or financial analyzing on the side or even one day to open your own firm. Meet your Fellow Accountants: Joining a professional group can put your foot in the door to many opportunities. Organizations range from general accounting networks to enthusiasts about whatever type of accounting you like. This can be your chance to practice your elevator speech outside of a job interview and meet new professional connections. Keeping in touch with your fellow online accounting school graduates can also loop you in to current open positions and the top companies in your industry.

Friday 8 August 2014

Music and Mathematics - There Are Many Connections

If you thought music was not a mathematical language, then think again. In fact, music and mathematics are very much intertwined, so much so that I guess you could say one could not live without the other. Here we examine a relationship that clearly demonstrates the strength of this tie. Let the music begin. For those with a rudimentary knowledge of music, the diatonic scale is something quite familiar. To understand why certain pairs of notes sound good together and others do not, you need to look into the sinusoidal wave patterns and the physics of frequencies. The sine wave is one of the most basic wave patterns in mathematics and is depicted by smoothly alternating crest-trough regularity. Many physical and real-world phenomena can be explained by this basic wave pattern, including many of the fundamental tonic properties of music. Certain musical notes sound well together (musically this is called harmony or consonance) because their sinusoidal wave patterns reinforce each other at select intervals. If you play the piano, then how each of the different notes sounds to you is dependent on how your instrument is tuned. There are different ways to tune instruments and these methods depend on mathematical principles. These tunings are based on multiples of frequencies applied to a given note, and as such, these multiples determine whether groups of notes sound well together, in which case we say such notes are in harmony, or poorly together, in which case we say such notes are out of harmony or dissonant. Where these multiples come from depend on criteria set by the instrument maker and today there are certain standards that these fabricators follow. Yet criteria notwithstanding, the multiples are inherently mathematical. For example, in more advanced mathematics, students study series of numbers. A series is simply a pattern of numbers determined by some rule. One famous series is the harmonic series. This comprises the reciprocals of the whole numbers, that is 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4... The harmonic series serves as one set of criteria for certain tunings, one notably called Pythagorean Intonation. In Pythagorean intonation, notes are tuned according to the "rule of the perfect fifth." A perfect fifth comprises the "musical distance" between two notes, such as C and G. Again without trying to turn this article into a treatise on musical theory, the notes between C and G are C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, and G. The "distance" between each of these notes is called a half-step. Thus a perfect fifth comprises 7 half-steps, C-C#, C#-D, D-D#, D#-E, E-F, F-F#, and F#-G. When we number the notes in a musical harmonic series, the number ascribed to the C note and that ascribed to the G note will always be in the ratio of 2:3. Thus the frequencies of these notes will be tuned so that their ratios correspond to 2:3. That is the C-note frequency will be 2/3 the G-note frequency, or vice versa, the G note frequency will be 3/2 the C note frequency, in which frequency is measured in cycles per second or Hertz. Now, continuing by tuning according to perfect fifths, the fifth above G is D. Applying the perfect fifth ratio, the D note will be tuned to a frequency which is 3:2 the G frequency, or looking at this from below, the G note is 2/3 the frequency of the D note. We can continue in like manner until we complete what is called the Circle of Fifths, bringing us back to a C note by applying successive ratios of 3/2 to the previous note in the cycle. This takes twelve steps and when complete, the frequency of the second C, or the higher octave C note should be exactly twice the frequency of the lower C note. This is a requirement of all octaves. However this does not happen by applying this ratio of 3/2. Musicians have rectified this problem by resorting to none other than the field of irrational numbers. Recall that those numbers are such that they cannot be expressed as fractions, that is, their decimal representations, like the number pi or the square root of two, do not end and do not repeat. Thus as a result of the failure of the Pythagorean tuning method to produce perfect octaves, tuning methods have been developed to obviate this situation. One is called "equal temperament" tuning, and this is the standard method for most practical applications. Believe it or not, this tuning method incorporates rational powers of the number two. That is correct: fractional powers of the number two. So if you thought you were learning rational exponents for nothing in algebra class, here is one example of where such a topic is used in real life. The way equal temperament tuning works is as follows: each note throughout its octave has its frequency multiplied by successive twelfth roots of two to get to the next higher note. That is, if we start with the standard A note, which vibrates at 440 Hertz, let us say, to get to A#, we multiply this 440 by 2^(1/12). Since the twelfth root of two is equal to 1.05946 to five decimal places, A# would be tuned to 440*1.05946 or 464.18 Hertz. And thus the tuning continues with the next note B obtained by taking 2^(2/12)*440. Note that we increment the twelfth power of 2 by 1 each time, obtaining powers of 2 which are 1/12, 2/12, 3/12, etc. What is nice about this method is its exactness, unlike the inexactness of the Pythagorean intonation method discussed earlier. Thus when we arrive at the octave note, the next A above the standard A, which should vibrate at twice the frequency of the original 440 Hertz A, we get A octave = 440*2^(12/12) which is 440*2 = 880 Hertz, as it should be---exactly. As we stated earlier, when tuning by the Pythagorean method, this does not happen because of the repetitive use of the ratio 3/2, and therefore accommodations must be made to bring in line the inexactness of this approach. These accommodations result in perceptible dissonances between certain notes and in certain keys. This tuning exercise demonstrates that mathematics and music are well intertwined, and indeed one could say that these two disciplines are inseparable. Music is truly mathematical and mathematics is, well, yes musical. Since many people think of musical talent coming from the "creative" types and mathematics ability coming from the "nerdy" or non-creative types, this article in some part helps disabuse these same people of this notion. Yet the question remains: If two ostensibly different fields as music and mathematics are happily married, how many other fields out there, which at first seem to have nothing to do with mathematics, are just as intricately linked to this most fascinating subject. Meditate on that for awhile.