Sunday 31 August 2014

College Degrees Online - No Longer a Joke

Acquiring college degrees online is no longer a joke. It is a legitimate way of getting a diploma and an educational degree through institutions that offer teaching through the Internet. There are many advantages of registering for an online course, especially for those who literally do not have the time to go through traditional schools. Adult professionals who may already have a bachelor degree sometimes pursue further advanced education by distance education or online studies. Sometimes, they may even take other college degrees online. The best thing about online studies is the flexibility in time - as a student, you get to do your own scheduling of courses. You get to study at your own pace. It requires a good deal of discipline, however, to make smart time management choices with the goal of finishing the degree the soonest possible time. Online resources are available day in and day out; plus the Internet itself is an unlimited source of information and there will be no need for the usual competing for library books that a traditional student usually has to suffer. Online chat rooms and forum discussions about courses and study groups also come in handy, so there is no worry of being left out and you still have a way of measuring your progress in comparison with others. In a traditional classroom, students need to focus on the lectures and contribute ideas in real time. This may be a problem with students who need to process their thoughts for a time and also for those who are too shy to actually raise their hand and participate in classroom discussions. Others may be terrified of being called on by teachers when they are not ready to share their thoughts. In online studies, students get the confidence of asking questions to instructors and fellow students without the fear of stammering or being under the spotlight. Online studies do not mean zero interaction with other students. Of course, going to school still offers a better social environment but online universities also have chat rooms and discussion forums where academic and nonacademic subjects are being dealt with. E-mail lists and threaded discussions may be available, as well as a live chat component for real-time discussions with students and teachers. College degrees online, as long as they are provided by an accredited university, are not being considered differently from degrees acquired by going through the usual school process. Employers welcome applicants with an online college degree and even encourage their employees to pursue further education through online learning. The availability of this option benefits both employer and employee because advanced degrees mean more credibility for both employer and employee and a form of a skills upgrade for the student. Some members of the workforce who may be in a line of work significantly different from their college education may also make the choice of acquiring another degree, this time more related to their field of work, especially if they intend to stay in that field for a long time.

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