Wednesday 3 September 2014

Have You Ever Heard of Vedic Mathematics Sutras?

For those who are completely in the dark, Vedic mathematics sutras are derived from ancient Hindu scriptures and texts. Currently, it is considered as an alternative mathematics system compared to modern mathematics. That said, it is being introduced into modern day teaching because it helps students to cope with large numbers easily. It's essentially a good way to handle numbers that you'd otherwise instinctively reach out for a calculator. As you may know, modern mathematics refers to the syllabus of mathematics that is currently taught in schools, colleges and universities all over the world. Vedic Mathematics has brought a different sort of learning system for Mathematics. It is being taught in a number of schools in London, India and elsewhere. What is a sutra? In simple terms, a sutra, which refers to a Hindu sutra, in this case, is a literary composition that is distinctive in nature, easily understood and mainly uses technical terms. Vedas or the term Vedic is a reference made to the Hindu religious texts and scriptures. As it is, the sages, saints and seers of Hinduism envisioned the miracles of mathematics in the cosmic universe. Hence, Vedic Maths was born. It was written in ancient Hindu scriptures and texts, which uses mainly Sanskrit language. However, the person who brought it to the attention of this world is Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, a learned person in areas such as Mathematics, History, Philosophy and Sanskrit. His book, Vedic Mathematics was published in 1965. According to him, there are sixteen sutras and sub-sutras in this line of Mathematics. Some of the sixteen sutras are called as Vertically and Crosswise, Transpose and adjust, By addition and by subtraction and By the completion or non-completion. Currently, much research is still being done to find easy applications of Vedic Mathematics in subjects like calculus, geometry and computing. Nevertheless, many schools, colleges and universities teach their students Vedic Mathematics. Contrary to some of the more rigid ideas of modern mathematics, Vedic mathematics gives an opportunity for the students to find their own methods instead of simply following the set methods. In other words, it is flexible. It also uses mental calculations. It's worth looking into, even in these days of calculators and spreadsheets. Apart from anything else, it will give you a handy check as to whether you've typed in the right numbers. So it would have been handy for those scientists who used the wrong units and crashed that probe into Mars.

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