Friday 26 December 2014

Amateur Radio: God Logs in to the "What's New in the World" Hf Net

I've always had an interest in radio.

When I was a kid I was always looking for parts to make a crystal set, a diode operated earphone radio.

We didn't have solid state diodes in those day so I used a chunk of galena my grandfather had mined.
With what was called a "cat whisker" I could create what is known as a contact diode which gives the current-only-in-one-direction criteria required to rectify a radio signal.
When tube radios came out as the depression subsided with WW II, we had a tube radio in our home.
However, we often lost Jack Armstrong and the Green Hornet because of tube failure, something we seldom see now days.

With the failure of the tube we could be out of the Jack Armstrong, Green Hornet, Inner Sanctum, and The Hit Parade business for months until someone came up with the money and time to get a new tube.

In high school, I became very interested in Amateur Radio and read all the old license manuals I could find.
I only knew one operator and he was off to the war but I was able to read his books. Life went on, I went to the Korean War, then college and all that so I never had either the time or money to get into Amateur Radio. However, my son and I were out doing some church work one evening and I saw that the home we were to visit had a Quad Antenna. The owner, N3XU, now a silent key, gave us the 5-minute code test on the spot and both of us became operators as did my oldest son.
When I left AZ several years ago, I sold all my HF gear but kept my 2-meter rig. So, I was flipping around on 145 MHz and I heard, "This is GOD1 listening!" I said, "KK7ID, here!" It was unusual to hear anything on my 2-meter rig which is on my tool bench in the garage.
Here is how things went: GOD1: Where are the guys? KK7ID: What guys? Name is John. GOD1: Is that you, Mo? Changed your call signs again. WW3JFJ! WB3KYG! This is God.
KK7ID: God! That is an unusual name for a Ham.
Why did you call me MO? I haven't used that handle for years. Do I know you? GOD1: You might be killed.

You might be wounded.

But do your duty and do as you've been trained.

KK7ID: It is YOU! Korea. I was ready to climb over the ridge line and join the Chinese Army with all those 105 rounds pounding us from our artillery down in the Punch Bowl.
GOD1: Three time in one night is a bit much.

You were very lucky.

I was looking for the What's New in the World HF Net.
KK7ID: You are not on HF. GOD1: Oh, you are right. You've got to watch this Kenwood® 6990332. I got on the wrong band.
Sorry to have bothered you. KK7ID: You are not bothering me.

What in the heck is a Kenwood® 6990332? GOD1: It's a code they use in the labs at Kenwood® for a model they hope to introduce in June of 2009.

They will be behind in production because of the typhoon, so it won't be out until February 2010.
A mess of integrated circuits are going to get soaked. KK7ID: What typhoon? GOD1: Fall 2008.

If you were here, you could see it. Want to see it? KK7ID: What would I have to do to do that, die? GOD1: You are not getting out of that Can-You-Draw-This Art Course that easy.

No, I can put it on your computer screen.

Let's see, which email address should I send it to? It makes a great screen saver.
Oh! I can just put it up on one of your web sites.

Wait! I'll just put it directly into your computer. There, it is on your screen.

How does it look? KK7ID: I'm out in the garage.
GOD1: It's in one of those plastic containers you bought at Wal-Mart.
Try JJ.

I shuffled a few containers around and opened container JJ.

There was my wife's sewing frame, the reason I was in the garage in the first place.

KK7ID: I'll go into the house but I don't want to lose contact with you, not before we can set up a schedule. GOD1: On your screen you will see an Icon.

It's a direct link to my chat room.

In looks like a Barbegazi . KK7ID: A Barbegazi? One of those ice gnomes. I'll find it, but I don't want to be chatting with a zillion others. I want to chat with you.

GOD1: Okay! I'll set up a private chat room on your computer. I'll have to tell Moses and Abraham and Peter to keep out.

They like to stick their noses here and there.

KK7ID: I didn't mean to cut Moses, Abraham, and Peter out. I'm new at this.

GOD1: Fine! We are all set.
See you Taylor Jones the Hack Writer. The End P.
That is going to be one hell of a storm! P.


S. Learn about amateur radio at: http://www.


org/ Copyright©2007 John Taylor Jones, Ph.

D. Taylor Jones the Hack Writer

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