Friday 19 December 2014

Money Making Gifts For Your Child - 13 Reasons to Choose These Alternatives This Holiday Season

November through December are traditional family holiday and religious holiday months? The religious community reminds us it is the season of giving. The retail and commercial community promotes gift giving, spending-often more rather than less. Sometimes mixed in these two months, Ebenezer Scrooge or the Grinch emerges as parents wrestle with their children's WANTS itemized on the holiday shopping list. This can be a stressful time for many individuals. For some parents, there can be a big pull between what they would like to do and the lengthy list of "things" children desire due to the awesome skills of commercial advertisers.

Consider something different this year, not due to Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah. Consider something that has a magnetic pull and is lasting, not just until New Year's day but throughout the next year or beyond.

Our children are incredibly bright and talented in so many areas, too many to name right now. Why not, take those same "brain smart", "world smart", and/or "social smart" talents and develop them into full blown entrepreneurial skills? Why not create an opportunity, REAL, not imaginary that teaches your child how to set up, operate, market a legal business online, on the Internet, for about the price of one of those PlayStations, electronic games, Mp3 players, cell phones, or seriously overpriced tennis shoes? This is something I did for a group of children.
Maybe, it's a gift you will want to give to your child also.

I invited children-difficult children, strong willed children, bright, gifted, and ADHD children to learn how to establish their own business.

I used two business software packages, Niche Websites and Tools Bundle and Traffic Maker Bundle, to teach them how to build a presence on the Internet.
Both have predesigned websites, ideas, graphics, and a bunch of other tools provided, which assisted them in launching a business relatively quickly. They were focused, task oriented, and attentive to details. I even provided them with some perks, incentives such as resell rights to sell the same software, that I taught them to use, on their sites, as well.

Here's the really cool part. I didn't have any "quitters" when faced with a challenge. I had active, very interactive learners.
And, we were free from the dreaded adolescent attitudes! How's this sound so far? When's the last time you received any of these as a return on your investment in Nike, Cingular, Sprint, PlayStation and others on the behalf of your child's desires and wants? You can change all of that today, and get phenomenal returns-it's called a win/win situation for you both.
How often does this happen for parents raising children? Interestingly enough, my focus wasn't shaped by the holiday shopping season.
I had a larger goal in mind. I wanted to train a group of youth and teens to establish their own home based business on the Internet. Adults have the creativity and skill to do so many things.

But, for a host of many reasons either delay starting or conclude the task is too hard before beginning; some never start a venture of their own, at all.
Sometimes they determine that the start-up cost will be too much, but never investigate it fully. Or, from either their own faulty self assessment or someone elses', individuals sometimes bypass an opportunity to do more with their ideas. Those are situations where everyone loses. Their idea just may have held a key that could literally, change the world.

Children, just by being children, are willing to try so many things, {sometimes too many} mostly because it's different. The spirit of adventure and exploration in youth, that drives so many of us parents crazy, found an affirming outlet during this business building project.
What about your child? Could this be the gift, no the investment, that will make a dramatic and positive 360° turn in their attitude, academic performance, relationship with you and others? What do you both stand to gain? Here are some of the benefits my group and their parents received from the under a $100 investment.

(1) Training through teleseminars, (2) Ongoing technical support following training, up to six months, (3) Additional software bonuses with the Niche Website Bundle Tools, (4) Question and answer session with national Internet Marketer(s)/Trainer(s), and more These can be yours as well.
13 Benefits For YOU and YOUR Youth/Teen: ·They will create a second income stream for themselves other than your income.

·Increase their reading comprehension skills ·Increase math problem solving skills-calculating percents, profit, loss, commissions and more ·Build or strengthen writing skills ·Develop and/or increase goal setting skills ·Develop or increase team building skills ·Learn marketing ·Learn advertising ·Develop or strengthen critical thinking skills ·Reconnect, re-energize our underachieving, undermotivated, gifted children ·Develop and/or strengthen confidence, self esteem, self image ·Develop and/or strengthen communication skills ·Build public speaking skills I was asked if these youth could become millionaire kids. These children, just like yours are bright enough to become anything they desire.
I'm just teaching them long lasting strategies on how to achieve this while in pursuit of their "A" life plans.
I train adults and children to always plan projects with "A", "B", "C", and multiple plans.
They may choose to execute these plans, either simultaneously, or as secondary alternatives, if obstacles temporarily block progress to their desired choices.
I do fully expect them to excel beyond me.

I expect them to use this brief but intense foundation to make new discoveries. An unexpected learning benefit: they discovered their ability to obtain, digest, remember, and apply a great deal of new technical information in a very short period of time, with noticeable results. The real test of learning in any area, is how individuals continue to apply the knowledge independently.
Our mentoring relationship will continue a little while longer.
Our business relationship will continue, perhaps indefinitely. Ms.

Summers will train another group of "kid entrepreneurs" through three weekly teleseminars BEGINNING NOVEMBER 17th.
For more information on the Kid Entrepreneur package, use the email or telephone contact information to reach Ms.
Summers or visit the Financial Wellness Marketplace at EarthenVesselCollections.


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