Monday 22 December 2014

Gang Prevention Strategies

Gang prevention is a problem we have been struggling with for a long time, but it seems that the more effort that goes into this cause, the worse the problem seems to escalate.
Is it a problem for government or does the solution lie with all of us? Even if the problem is one for everyone to deal with where do we begin? Has the problem with gangs spiralled to such a degree that us as individuals are helpless to eradicate it.
Or is it because we think we cannot do much to prevent the situation that we just don't.

Although gangs are a huge burden on society, we don't often know a lot about it. To stop gangs, it is imperative to know gangs better, their ways of communication and their behaviours.
The police seem to be swamped with crimes committed by gangs and always need the help of everyone to let them know when there are any gang related activities going on.

A gang is a group of people with a common idea.

The gang will be identified by its name, colors and all members will be required to commit a crime.

Because gang members usually come from bad homes and poor neighbourhoods they find acceptance and support in their gangs.
Their feelings towards their fellow gang mates can be compared to that of family and therefore they will do anything their gangs require.

Starting to eradicate gang formation begins by looking at why people join gangs in the first place.

Because gangs are the result of people being in bad situations financially and family wise, a plan to mitigate such social problems must be included in gang prevention.

More employment opportunities must exist for young people and they should receive acceptance and support elsewhere, and not from gangs.

Gang prevention begins at home when you suspect that a member of your family or a neighbour is a gangster. The signs often include a change in dress style, secret behaviour and increase in money and possessions.
If you suspect that a person is involved in such activity it is our duty to acknowledge it and report it.
A problem only increases when you bury it and pretend it does not exist.
You may even discover that gang problems are closer to home than what you think.
Strategies For Gang Prevention: You have to try to make sure that young people in your family occupy their time with activities that are wholesome and productive, don't just allow them to hang around on street corners, the devil makes work for idle hands, make sure that they are involved with organised sports, hobbies and after school activities, these are all excellent ways to fill a young person's time and make them feel a part of a community.
The biggest supporters of gang prevention are faith-based organization such as churches and NGO's.

Their crime prevention efforts in general are outstanding and because they are mainly aimed at the youth, gang prevention becomes a cause at the top of their lists. Believing that young people have a better chance of being rehabilitated and reformed if they are given positive activities, they take a more direct role in working with young people.
Gang members need to realize that gangs only bring a wasted future and certainly are no solution.
Gang prevention should deal with the individual involved in order for them to have hope for a better life.

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